Ethics of angling technology

My endless rantings about about the injustices of modern life seem to consume me these days. I’m aware this makes me sound like a particularly mean-spirited curmudgeon but I genuinely feel this society we live in is on the wrong path in so many ways. Until recently my moans have been directed towards those outsideContinueContinue reading “Ethics of angling technology”

Strange times

13th September 2021. Not a breath of wind this morning. Dry brown leaves drop vertically to the ground in the still air. My planned fly fishing outing is a washout, sitting becalmed in a boat is not my idea of fun. Instead I don wellies, grab the fork and head down the garden to theContinueContinue reading “Strange times”

Bits and bobs

A cold start to the day so I am in the spare room which is filled with my fishing gear, sorting out some tackle for pike fishing which I hope to indulge in next week. Hot mug of coffee steaming in my hand, loosely organised chaos around me. School run traffic snarls along outside, theContinueContinue reading “Bits and bobs”

Lough Levally

Close to mighty Lough Conn there sits another, much smaller body of water. Pretty well unknown except to the locals, lough Levally is home to a stock of pike. I’ve known about this lough since I moved to the area 23 years ago but have never fished it. Pike have never excited me as aContinueContinue reading “Lough Levally”

32 – Episode 2, Roscommon

Friday 14th August 2020 The day dawned fine and fair as promised by the forecasters. An easterly breeze blew across the garden as I surveyed the flowers and pulled out the odd weed. Where shall I fish today?  The eternal question needed a swift answer and looking at the thin clouds I plumped for loughContinueContinue reading “32 – Episode 2, Roscommon”


Spent an hour this afternoon sorting out the bait boxes. Some unsuccessful ones have been relegated while others were given new split rings or hooks. All set for the new season now! We have had days of high winds and heavy rain here in the west. All the rivers are huge and there is someContinueContinue reading “Baits”

Single hooks?

Any of you tried single hooks on your salmon baits? I have not (yet) but plan to give them a go this coming season so that returning fish is going to be easier Here is an ABU Killer which I have changed the hooks on. To me it looks a bit odd but that willContinueContinue reading “Single hooks?”


With Christmas behind us now and the old year only hours left to run my thoughts are firmly fixed on the 2019 season. What will it bring? This used to be a time of mounting excitement but the collapse of fish stocks in and around Ireland mean there is more trepidation rather than anticipation theseContinueContinue reading “2019”


Wind the clock back many, many years to the 1970’s and you would find me on the banks of a Scottish salmon river clad in a worn Barbour coat and thigh waders. Depending on the conditions I’d either be wielding a 15 foot Hardy fly rod or my trusty ABU Atlantic 423 Zoom spinning rod.ContinueContinue reading “Zoom”