
Tackling the weeds

This is an old post from a few months ago which I had forgotten to put up! (To my shame this is not uncommon, there are currently about 30 posts which I started but didn't get around to finishing and sticking up on this blog. I scribble my doggerel easily enough, it is the postingContinue reading "Tackling the weeds"


That’s better!

After three very tough days on the Corrib I had a relaxing day with a mate planned for today. We would fish lough Cullin together, a lake he has been doing well on recently. 10am was the agreed time to meet up on the shore and before then I had a hectic couple of hoursContinue reading "That’s better!"


Cheap fly tying material

A very quick post for you fly tyers out there. It feels like everything in our lives just gets more and more expensive with every passing day so any way of reducing costs in our pastimes has to be a good thing. For fly tyers the cost of some synthetics can be quite high, soContinue reading "Cheap fly tying material"


Reversed Zulu

Before I get on to this fly I want to apologise for the near total lack of posts here on my blog. For some time now angling has slipped down my list of priorities and that meant writing about my fishing suffered the same near terminal decline. Yes, I have been tying flies, but allContinue reading "Reversed Zulu"


A well travelled fly

A good friend and regular client, Derek Woods is down in Patagonia at the moment dong a bit of trout fishing. He sent me some snaps of the action down there and it looks like he is having a whale of a time in the 32 degrees heat. Strangely, his most productive fly is oneContinue reading "A well travelled fly"


Ethics of angling technology

My endless rantings about about the injustices of modern life seem to consume me these days. I'm aware this makes me sound like a particularly mean-spirited curmudgeon but I genuinely feel this society we live in is on the wrong path in so many ways. Until recently my moans have been directed towards those outsideContinue reading "Ethics of angling technology"



Known to most anglers as the yelllow owl, I still call those small, brown caddis with an abdomen the colour of lemon curd by their Scottish soliloquy. Curlybums were a great favourite on Loch Leven many years ago, and indeed they may still be for all I know. Summer evenings were when these flies hatchedContinue reading "Curlybums"



Growing old does have some benefits. More rational thoughts due to experience, a sense of self worth, an inner calmness which was so obviously lacking in a younger me are all examples I can point to. The rest of it is just crap though. Aches and pains, slowing down in virtually every physical function, maleContinue reading "Lighting"


Never heard of this one!

As regular readers know, I have a habit of buying up joblots of old fishing tackle and then spending hours of my free time sifting through the detritus looking for bits I can use or salvage. This harmless idiosyncrasy keeps my amused and on the odd occasion turns up little gems of old gear. AsContinue reading "Never heard of this one!"


Fly sizes

It's December, and fly tying season is now in full swing for me. The run up to Christmas is usually when I do the bulk of my tying as I try to distract myself from the rampant consumerism around me. To be perfectly honest, due to a total lack of any sort of fishing forContinue reading "Fly sizes"


The dark side

Most weekday evenings I am to be found at an old desk in my digs here in the boggy Irish midlands. As the winter weather swings between sodden gales and pin-sharp frosts, I am inside making flies for the coming season. Dabblers, bumbles, Wulffs and the rest of the usual suspects have rapidly filled myContinue reading "The dark side"


Fly lines

Some thoughts on fly lines..... Fly fishers used to have it easy when it came to picking what fly line to use. In the old days you had a silk line, that was it, just one line, there was nothing else. Hours of work went into maintaining your silk line as it required cleaning andContinue reading "Fly lines"


What is it (part 2)

A lot of you were just as intrigued as I am about the identity of the indigo blue feathers on a patch of skin which recently came into my possession. The shape of the feathers were nothing like any domestic fowl, so whatever it was it came from the wild. I set about tracking itContinue reading "What is it (part 2)"


Landex – a conundrum

Just like buses, there have been virtually no posts on this blog all year and now here are two in two days. Work has decimated my fishing for twelve months and any free time has been swallowed up by catching up on all the things I should have been doing were I at home inContinue reading "Landex – a conundrum"


A blast from the past

Recently I had been thinking about my formative fly fishing years and for no particular reason recalled my first fly reel. We are going back a LONG way here, to around 1972 or so. It was my birthday and my parents bought me a fly rod and reel. That reel was a Roddy 320 andContinue reading "A blast from the past"


The Banshee

Here's one for ye all now. A sea trout fly I tied up around the time Adam was a boy (OK, slight exaggeration). What I wanted was a pattern featuring green and black but there was nothing out there that matched my expectations so, I tied this fly. The colours looked a bit, well, 'demonic'Continue reading "The Banshee"


Must try harder

Neglecting this blog has been an unintentional but very real feature of 2023 for me. With very minimal actual fishing being done by this poor, hard working individual there has been precious little to write about. '23 started off poorly and has gone steadily downhill from there. Even my normally near weekly trips to theContinue reading "Must try harder"


Book Launch report

It is the day after so I can now reflect on my book launch last night. Normally calm, the idea of pushing myself on to other people felt decidedly unsettling. I was not nervous beforehand, just uncomfortable at being in the limelight. Invites were sent out, flyers displayed in the local tackle shops and theContinue reading "Book Launch report"



Regular readers will no doubt be fed up of my recent whinging about missing my trout and salmon angling this year due to work commitments. There is a positive to this though, I am getting to know the canals around me in the middle of Ireland a whole lot better. Even on those evenings whenContinue reading "Perseverance"


Typical sessions

Back home. It is Friday evening and I have driven back to Mayo after another week away in the midlands. The days are flying by and it is hard to figure where this year is going. It was just the other day when I was scraping frost of the windows of the car each morning.Continue reading "Typical sessions"


Sedge hooks

I wrote last time about some keel hooks I had acquired and now I want to discuss another oddity, the sedge hook. I first became aware of these in the 1980’s when they were marketed as ‘Yorkshire sedge hooks’ and they appeared in a number of patterns tied by the foremost reservoir fly fishers ofContinue reading "Sedge hooks"


Of diggers and nippers

It has been a tough week. The first few days back in the reality of my job after a holiday were never the best but work was unremittingly stark and even when I went fishing for a couple of hours things did not work out as I had planned. Such is life and the minorContinue reading "Of diggers and nippers"


Lift off

Most of the visiting anglers I meet on the western lakes are accomplished fly fishers with a vast array of tackle and tactics at their fingertips. Until quite recently they were much more adaptable than the locals who often stuck rigidly to short line wet fly. Switching to lures on HD lines, fishing tiny driesContinue reading "Lift off"


Under the knife

As you regular readers know, I am forever buying old fishing tat. Gear or materials that nobody else wants finds its way to me and I spend hours messing around trying make whatever it is of some use. One purchase from last year was a wooden box full of fly tying materials and a flyContinue reading "Under the knife"


Wrong place at the right time

A pleasant evening tempted me out with rod and line again but this session was a bit of a muddle truth be told. The Royal canal beckoned again but I wanted to try out a section that was new to me. I drove up to the stretch at Shandonagh Bridge, a few miles to theContinue reading "Wrong place at the right time"


Rainy Roscommon

The rain has been tipping down down for couple of weeks now in the West of Ireland. I had been fearing a drought after the cold dry months of January and February but the land has received a good soaking since then. Standing water in the fields and swollen drains bear testament to the changeContinue reading "Rainy Roscommon"


A long time coming

I finally got out to do a small bit of fishing today, the first time I wet a line since last autumn. My plans to dabble with coarse fishing throughout the winter months came to naught and a thin film of grey dust had gathered on the boxes of tackle piled in the corner ofContinue reading "A long time coming"


Almost there

There is, as we say here in Ireland, a grand stretch in the day. I became aware of it a couple of weeks ago when my normally dreary Monday morning commute was ennobled by a perfect sunrise as I ploughed along the east bound lane of the M6 between Athlone and Clara. With the daysContinue reading "Almost there"


The Jury’s out

The way this coming season is shaping up I will in all probability do a bit of rainbow trout fishing. Living in the Midlands during weekdays will severely curtail my normal boat fishing for wild browns but there are a couple of rainbow put-and-take fisheries close by to keep me occupied. The last couple ofContinue reading "The Jury’s out"


The Whisky Fly

Rainbow trout were exotic arrivals to the fishing scene around Aberdeen when I was but a lad. The ADAA stocked some in the Loch of Loriston just to the south of the city and I cut my teeth on rainbow fishing there. My boxes of dry Greenwells and other size 16 flies failed miserably toContinue reading "The Whisky Fly"